Business Analytics With METRIC

Achieving exponential growth is an obvious goal for many businesses, especially for return on investment. But in order to achieve this growth, businesses constantly seek ways to improve and keep track of their customer experience. It’s no wonder so many businesses hire external analytic teams, turn to online analytic tools, or invest in in-house data analysis departments just to stay on top of their user studies and metrics. Here is how METRIC can help:

Page Design

ACUA homepage - audience demographics, track post reach and engagement, and identify key trends that can drive your growth
ACUA Homepage [Source: ACUA]

Page optimization is one of the most crucial aspects when it comes to a business’s website, particularly for visualization, online company representation, and branding. Many companies spend a lot of money on A/B testing to ensure that their page layout has the best possible chance of capturing a user’s attention. Whether a user is visiting the website directly from a search engine or through a link, the home page or a landing page plays a crucial role in the user’s decision to stay on the page and complete an action or exit the page. METRIC can be used for page optimization. Eye tracking can be utilized to test the positioning of different features on a home page or landing page or to test multiple versions of a page to see which one works best. A METRIC user study could provide useful insights into the following:

  • Call to Action: The call-to-action button is the most important element of a landing page as it is meant to prompt a user to take the next step. With METRIC, businesses can test different positionings of their call to actions and use the insights from the heat map and mouse clicks to choose the most optimal placement for it.
  • Image Placement: Images on the page help break apart the text and offer visual relief as well as give some visual representation of what the page is about. When well-positioned, images can actually help draw the eye to important text. Heat map insights can give context as to whether the images on a business’s web page are uninteresting, distracting, too large, or well-placed. Based on these insights, the business can choose to resize the image, move it to a different area of the page, add text onto the image instead of next to it or vice versa, put the accompanying text above, below, to the left, or to the right of the image, just to mention a few.
  • Font and Color Scheme: Sometimes overlooked, font and color scheme also play a huge role in a user’s experience on a business’s website. The font needs to convey the company’s personality and should not be too large or too small that it becomes illegible. The same goes for the color scheme, which can either draw attention to text and call to action or just blend into the background, making everything look monochromatic. Businesses can test how different color schemes, fonts, and font sizes affect the user experience by looking at session duration, eye fixation, mouseovers, and mouse hits. These insights, along with a short survey, could potentially reveal whether the user is struggling to see or if actionable buttons on the page are recognizable as clickable.
  • Headline Placement: Yet another important aspect of the page which essentially tells a user exactly what the page is about. A headline can run straight across the page or take up the top half of the page while the other half is occupied by an image or wrap around an image. After testing different potential placements, businesses can use METRIC insights such as the mouseover sequences to decide which option is best for the headline positioning.


QR Code Layout and Participant Tracking Example [Source: QCRI]

METRIC can assist with more than online analytics. With the launch of QRPath Insights, physical facilities interested in foot tracking and wayfinding can initiate new studies and outline paths with corresponding QR codes. These QR codes can then be strategically placed throughout different areas of the facility to ensure precise tracking, and visitors can use their device cameras to scan the QR codes, allowing the system to link the paths to each visitor’s session ID. These QR codes can also be linked to surveys should the business require further feedback or insights from their visitors. QRPath Insights can assist with the following:

  • Product Placement: Facilities want to know the best places for promotions or new product placements. Through METRIC’s QRPath, facilities can gain insight into which areas are popular and have a lot of foot traffic, as these would be the most optimal locations for product placements. An area with a significant amount of foot traffic means that the product would likely get more views and purchases.
  • Congestion and Decongestion: Popular facilities such as malls, theme parks, libraries, and museums are prone to congestion and sometimes areas that don’t get any traffic at all. By gaining insight into which areas these might be, businesses can choose to create alternative routes for certain areas, move some popular attractions to less visited areas to balance out the less congested and congested areas, put a capacity limitation for some places, or duplicate the layout of the area in another part of the facility.
  • Signage: Many people use signage as a way to get around in new places. However, some visitors may still find navigation challenging as the signage is not as clear as it should be or there is no signage at all. By having a QR code with a linked survey at an information desk or with security, businesses can gain insight into which areas visitors are finding particularly challenging to locate and why. They can then address the problem by adding new signage or increasing the visibility of existing signs.

Insights truly help businesses understand what they’re doing right and what they’re potentially doing wrong. These are just some of the many ways in which METRIC can assist businesses in such analytics. So why not try METRIC for your metrics today?

Try out METRIC now!

Read more research about user studies and analytics!

Jung, S.G., Salminen, J., and Jansen, B. J. (2021) Persona Analytics: Implementing Mouse-tracking for an Interactive Persona System. ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI2021), Yokohama, Japan. 8-13 May. Article No.: 342.

Salminen, J., Sercan, S., Jung, S.G., and Jansen, B. J. (2021) Comparing Persona Analytics and Social Media Analytics for a User-Centric Task Using Eye-Tracking and Think-Aloud. CHItaly2021, 11-13 July 2021, Remote via Internet & ​Bozen-Bolzano, Italy.

Azem, J. Y., Salminen, J., Jung, S.G., and Jansen, B. J. (2023) Measuring Engagement Through Remote Interactions of Customers: Introducing METRIC, 2023 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC), Doha, Qatar, 2023, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/ISNCC58260.2023.10323669.

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