Restaurants, museums, and themes are just a few places where you’ve probably seen QR codes. Most people can relate to having to scan a QR code to access the menu or Wi-Fi of a restaurant or cafe, especially after the 2020 coronavirus pandemic. QR codes are convenient and seemingly simple, but how do they actually work? Here’s the breakdown.
QR code is an abbreviation for quick response code. It was developed in 1994 by Masahiro Hara from the Japanese company Denso Wave to keep up with manufacturing and allow for flexibility in production control. Product variety meant that production control needed more detailed codes to properly identify items and distinguish them from each other. Before QR codes, barcodes were the go-to product ID. However, they could only be read vertically (from top to bottom), which limited the amount of information that could be stored in them. QR codes, on the other hand, can be read vertically and horizontally (from top to bottom and left to right), thus storing more information.

QR codes have seven main parts: finder patterns, alignment patterns, timing patterns, version information, format information, data and error correction codewords, and the quiet zone. All these store information and come together to form what looks like a pixelated pattern with different size squares, which then form one large square.
- The first part is the quiet zone, the blank/empty white border around a QR code. It ensures the scanner can distinguish the QR code from other printed or displayed content.
- The finder patterns are the three large squares located at three corners of the QR code that help the scanner detect the position, orientation, and size of the QR code.
- The alignment patterns are smaller squares that help to correct any distortion in the QR code, ensuring it can be read accurately even if it is tilted or skewed. Depending on their size, QR codes can have one or more of these.
- The timing pattern is an ‘L’-shaped black and white line that runs between the finder patterns and helps the scanner determine the size of the data matrix and identify individual squares in the code and their placement.
- The version information region, close to the top-right and bottom-left finder patterns, encodes the QR code’s version information. There are over 40 different code versions. The version provides information about the QR code’s dimensions and data capacity.
- The format information encodes the error tolerance and the data mask pattern used in the QR code. It is located adjacent to the finder patterns.
- Data and error correction codewords are the parts of the QR code that contain the actual information that needs to be conveyed, with the error correction blocks allowing up to 30% of the code to be damaged without hindering comprehension.
These parts are essentially what ends up being decoded once a QR code is scanned. The squares are converted into binary data (a series of 0s and 1s), which then reverts the stored information back into its original form and executes the appropriate action. For instance, the user is prompted to open the link in a browser for a URL, or Wi-Fi details can connect the device to a network.
This is the basis of QR codes, but with advancements in technology nowadays, you can find QR codes in the shapes of circles instead of squares or in different colors, replacing the white in the code. Creating QR codes has also become extremely easy and accessible, meaning people do not require any programming background to develop one. They can go to a QR code generator website and input the link or text they wish to convert into a QR code; voila, they are done. However, this is, of course, for simple, low-stakes QR code development. More complex or information-sensitive projects should take the long way by developing these themselves or finding trusted and approved companies to assist in these developments.
METRIC is a tool that can be used for such purposes. You can follow a few easy steps to conduct a wayfinding user study using METRIC and QR codes.
- Start by creating a new user study on METRIC and selecting “Trace Paths” for the study type.
- Next, set up the experiment in METRIC by adding a new path for each location you want to trace, ensuring that the paths align with the areas where wayfinding will be evaluated.
- Then, edit the QR codes to link to the survey designed to trigger and capture emotional reactions. For instance, the survey can include questions about how the user found their experience of getting around (frustrating, enjoyable, easy, and so on) or what areas they would prefer to see more signage.
- Finally, the codes can be printed and added to desired locations.
- By strategically placing these QR codes along the paths, you can gather real-time feedback on users’ experiences and emotional responses as they navigate the area.
Integrating METRIC and QR codes will allow for comprehensive data collection and analysis, ultimately improving wayfinding strategies.
Try out METRIC now!