We conducted a user study this week, 22-26 January 2023, collecting eye, mouse, verbal, and survey data — all within a single system!
In case a user study is something that you or others within your organization might be interested in, reach out! If there are research implications, we are open to collaboration. Reach out! We can discuss it.
Pictures from the user study are below.

METRIC (https://metric.qcri.org/) – for eye, mouse, and flow tracking for pages, interfaces, images, and videos, including A/B testing. On-site or remote.

One of our eye tracking devices – for screens and also rooms, signs, dashboards, and images. Not limited to a screen.

User station with privacy panel. Can run four stations simultaneously.

Study participant using the eye tracking device.

The entire user study lab is totally mobile. Can also do remote studies, including eye tracking.